
From WordPress Codex:

-This lets you offer properly localized translations of any strings used in your script. This is necessary because WordPress currently only offers a localization API in PHP, not directly in JavaScript (but see ticket #20491).

-Though localization is the primary use, it can be used to make any data available to your script that you can normally only get from the server side of WordPress.
<?php _F9J_localize_script( $handle, $name, $data ); ?>

(string) (required) The registered script handle you are attaching the data for.

Default: None
(string) (required) The name of the variable which will contain the data. Note that this should be unique to both the script and to the plugin or theme. Thus, the value here should be properly prefixed with the slug or another unique value, to prevent conflicts. However, as this is a JavaScript object name, it cannot contain dashes. Use underscores or camelCasing.

Default: None
(array) (required) The data itself. The data can be either a single- or multi- (as of 3.3) dimensional array. Like json_encode(), the data will be a JavaScript object if the array is an associate array (a map), otherwise the array will be a JavaScript array.

Default: None