Author: Pavlo
Conditional menu items
One of the methods to manage menu items according to the name of active page. We set css class name to menu item and manage the appearance of this item via css style file. Enqueue this style file in dependence upon the name of active page.
Watch youtube video
Youtube player, retrieving video title from youtube by video ID, metabox for ID of preselected video, custom columns in posts list in dashboard.
Term meta data
Pås de panique madame (way to kill non-responsive GUI applications under Ubuntu)
Dots in path
Post Types
A mix of examples, codex excerpts and my comments concerning default and custom post types. Standard decisions.
Menu items for native registration & login.
Transients API
This page contains the technical documentation of WordPress Transients API, which offers a simple and standardized way of storing cached data in the database temporarily by giving it a custom name and a timeframe after which it will expire and be deleted.